Looking for the best Acupuncture, Cupping or Hydromassage near Ladysmith, WI?

Services available at your local office in Rice Lake:

  • Acupuncture
  • Acupressure
  • Cupping
  • Hydromassage
  • CBD
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine Dietary Therapy

Directions from Ladysmith to Point of Renewal Acupuncture in Rice Lake, WI

Quickest Route (49 Minutes):

  1. Leave Ladysmith on US 8 West
  2. Continue through Bruce and Weyerhaeuser
  3. Continue through Cameron
  4. Turn Right onto 19th st, keeping the Rice Lake Airport on your left.
  5. Continue past Walmart
  6. Turn Left after Slumberland Furniture


Rice Lake Offices

Point of Renewal Acupuncture
610 West Ave
Rice Lake

Have any questions? Call at a time to suit your schedule

Our trained experts can answer any questions you have before making your first appointment.